dmalogo.gif (1201 bytes) DEWEY McMILLIN & ASSOCIATES LTD (DM&A)

DM&A was established in 1988 to develop and market technologies based on research performed at the University of Victoria Shock Studies Laboratory. The company provides consulting and diagnostic services associated with the blast waves from explosions and the damage and injury caused by those blast waves. Emphasis has been on the use of high-speed photogrammetric techniques for studying the explosion of charges ranging in size from less than one gram to over 4,000 tonnes. These services have been used by agencies in Canada, U.S.A., Norway, Sweden and Germany.

DM&A develops expert software systems to provide information about the physical properties of blast waves for evaluating explosive hazards. One of these systems, AirBlast, has been available since 1990 and has been licensed to agencies in Canada, U.S.A., Norway, Germany, France, and Switzerland. A new emergency blast system, EBlast, provides immediate help for those agencies which deal with situations involving explosive emergencies.

DM&A provides various Services described elsewhere on this website. Key personnel are listed opposite. Contact us using E-mail (opposite), or at:

Suite 100, 1741 Feltham Road
Victoria, BC V8N 2A4  Canada

Tel./FAX (1) (250) 477-7808