Dewey McMillin & Associates is pleased to announce its partnership with JASCO Research Ltd ( In particular, JASCO will assume responsibility for the marketing, sales and maintenance of AirBlast and EBlast. Enquiries about these expert systems may be addressed to JASCO or Dewey McMillin & Associates. The partnership means that improved maintenance and customer support will be available for both AirBlast and EBlast.
Improved Urban Environment factors...
A new version of EBlast is available for licensing. The new version includes an improvement to the way in which the enhancement factors for different urban environments are calculated. In addition, it has been possible to simplify the urban environment selection process because our continuing studies have shown that some variations of building heights and layout have little influence on the enhancement factors. Additional pages have been added to the Help files to explain in more detail how the effects of urban environments are used to modify the pressure and impulse relationships used by the program.
A new version of the EBlast Trial package
is available for downloading. Instructions
Rankine-Hugoniot Spreadsheets
Dewey McMillin
& Associates for many years have used a series of spreadsheets that relate the various physical properties behind a shock wave. For example, by inputting a value of the hydrostatic overpressure in psi, all of the other physical properties corresponding to that value are displayed as ratios of the ambient values and in both Imperial and SI units. Any of 26 different physical properties, such as dynamic pressure or reflected pressure can be used as the input variable.
For more information about the spreadsheets, a Users Guide can be downloaded from
RHSS in .doc or .pdf formats. Single or multiple user licences can be made available for these useful Excel © spreadsheets. For further information, or to purchase a licence for the use of the twenty six spreadsheets, please contact
International Meetings...
Representatives of Dewey McMillin & Associates attended and made presentations at several recent international conferences, including Military Aspects of Blast and Shock (MABS 17) in Las Vegas, USA, and MABS19 in Calgary, AB, Canada; the International Congress on High Speed Photography and Photonics (ICHSPP25) at Beaune, France; the International Mach Reflection Symposium (IMRS15) in Aachen, Germany, and the Tripartite Technical Co-operation Panel in Alexandria, USA. Some of the papers presented at recent international meetings may be downloaded from
News updated: 31 August, 2007/JMD